What's Happening?
NCCA Webinar on "Caring for EMT & Emergency Crews"
email chaplainsnc@gmail.com for Zoom link
NCCA Journal Club
Every three months on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 12 noon
The research article and online link will be sent at least a week ahead of time to NCCA members.
Upcoming Journal Club sessions are: February 11th, April 15th, September 9th and November 11th
Spring Education Retreat
The NC Chaplain's Spring Retreat will be on March 27th and 28th at the Caraway Conference Center in Sophia, NC. Army National Guard Chaplain, Farid Awad, DMin, MDiv, MA, LCMHC, LMFT, NCC will be facilitating about chaplaincy responses to disasters and mass-casualty events.